Free Download Brian Eno Cards Oblique Strategies Pdf Programs

Posted : adminOn 5/3/2018
Free Download Brian Eno Cards Oblique Strategies Pdf Programs

(Organic) machinery A line has two sides A very small object -Its centre Abandon desire Abandon normal instructions Accept advice Accretion Adding on Allow an easement (an easement is the abandonment of a stricture) Always first steps Always give yourself credit for having more than personality Always the first steps Are there sections? Consider transitions Ask people to work against their better judgement Ask your body Assemble some of the elements in a group and treat the group Back up a few steps. What else could you have done? Balance the consistency principle with the inconsistency principle Be dirty Be extravagant Be less critical more often Breathe more deeply Bridges -build -burn Call your mother and ask her what to do. Cascades Change ambiguities to specifics Change instrument roles Change nothing and continue with immaculate consistency Change specifics to ambiguities Children's voices -speaking -singing Cluster analysis Consider different fading systems Consider transitions Consult other sources -promising -unpromising Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element Courage! Cut a vital connection Decorate, decorate Define an area as `safe' and use it as an anchor Describe the landscape in which this belongs. (9 August) Destroy nothing; Destroy the most important thing Discard an axiom Disciplined self-indulgence Disconnect from desire Discover the recipes you are using and abandon them Discover your formulas and abandon them Display your talent Distorting time Do nothing for as long as possible Do something boring Do something sudden, destructive and unpredictable Do the last thing first Do the washing up Do the words need changing?

Sixteen years later software pioneer Peter Norton convinced Eno to let him create a fourth edition as a. On the wall are Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies cards.

Do we need holes? Don't avoid what is easy Don't be afraid of things because they're easy to do Don't be frightened of cliches Don't be frightened to display your talents Don't break the silence Don't stress one thing more than another Emphasize differences Emphasize repetitions Emphasize the flaws Faced with a choice, do both Feed the recording back out of the medium Feedback recordings into an acoustic situation Fill every beat with something Find a safe part and use it as an anchor First work alone, then work in unusual pairs. From nothing to more than nothing Get your neck massaged Ghost echoes Give the game away Give way to your worst impulse Go outside.

Shut the door. Go slowly all the way round the outside Go to an extreme, move back to a more comfortable place How would someone else do it? How would you explain this to your parents? How would you have done it?

Humanize something that is free of error. Idiot glee (?) Imagine the music as a moving chain or caterpillar Imagine the music as a series of disconnected events In total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly Infinitesimal gradations Instead of changing the thing, change the world around it. Intentions -credibility of -nobility of -humility of Into the impossible Is it finished? Is something missing?

Is the intonation correct? Is the style right? Blackened Sky Biffy Clyro Raritan. Is the tuning appropriate? Is the tuning intonation correct?

Is there something missing? It is quite possible (after all) It is simply a matter or work Just carry on Left channel, right channel, centre channel List the qualities it has. List those you'd like. Listen in total darkness, or in a very large room, very quietly Listen to the quiet voice Look at a very small object, look at its centre Look at the order in which you do things Look closely at the most embarrassing details and amplify.